I Am Thankful…

Let me just start off by saying sorry for not updating in a while. I have been extremely busy with school and work, and have not had time to get on. But hopefully I’ll have more time soon!

Since Thanksgiving is this week, I thought I would do a little bit on what I am thankful for (if I were to list off everything, I am sure you would fall asleep! There’s just too much!), plus some outfit ideas for your celebration, of course!

I am so thankful to have my parents. They are always there for me when I need them. Not only are they fun to be around and understanding, but they will deal with me when I am having off days. I couldn’t be blessed with better parents.

I am also thankful for my extended family, especially my cousin who is like a sister to me. It is truly like we are the same person in two different bodies! Since I don’t have any siblings, I don’t miss out because I have a cousin who is like my older sister!

Thirdly, I am thankful for my friends. They cheer me up, make me laugh, and bring a smile to my face! I wouldn’t have them any other way!

My job. There are so many people out there without jobs and as a college student, I am thankful to have one, especially one that has taught me so much!

My home. I see so many homeless people out on the streets, struggling to get by. I am so thankful to have a roof over my head and food and a bed. So many people take these things for granted, and each day I am reminded how blessed I truly am.

My boys (dogs)…they are the loyalest men you will meet! They will poop all over the floor, eat your food, and sleep all day and they are still excited to see you after you get mad at them for their messes. They are great cuddlers and are goofy little guys. Love them.

What are you thankful for?

Now, here are 3 looks for the fall holiday that you can try out. Depending on what you are doing, make sure it is something you feel comfortable in!



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